What is the data coverage? The data is from the PACER and the CAFC web site. A complete court list is available here. The ITC and PTAB are upcoming.
How does the seach engine work? The engine searches highlighted terms. These terms are highlighted in some way, such as quoted, in bold, in italic, or in a table (yes, it is detected). In patent litigation, it is likely that these terms are what debated in claim construction. Therefore, the search engine extract these terms automatically for you to search. False positives may exist, but one should be able to filter them out easily. Why not having patent attorneys reviewing these terms in advance? By automation, we can provide very low cost and the hit rate should be good enough after your brief judgment. Providing a comprehensive list is another advantage of this approach. One can browse quickly regarding how each side debated and learn more. The conclusion in a case may not be the most important, because the same term can have a different meaning in other cases. What if I need an attorney for advice? We are working with some great firms to provide professional Online-to-Offline experiences. Details will be released later. If you are interested in reaching more customers, please contact [email protected].